Fostering Health Innovation Across Europe
HAE Events
House of Pharma
Creating Innovation Together: Strategies Discussion for a fruitfull collaboration between Research and Industry (in German only)
September 11 2018 - 11:15 am
Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Prof. Dr. Heike Andrea Wieland (Director External Ecosystem R&D, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH)
HAEP-Innovators (selected from the HAEP scouting)
Dr. Britta Unruhe-Knauf (Ci3 e.V.)
Moderation: Dr. Carsten Ott (Technology & Innovation, Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH)
More information about the agenda and registration.
Health Axis Europe International Visionary Seminar
Personalised Oncology: Innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches and their social-economic impact
September 25 2018 - 3.30-7.30 pm
Heidelberg (Germany)
The field of oncology is leading the precision medicine revolution. Heidelberg and Leuven, as two major players in the field world-wide, present some of the most promising novel approaches in research from academia and industry.
However, their advancement into routine clinical practice is often hindered by requirements of the payer and reimbursement agency that are not met. Eminent speakers discuss reimbursement challenges and policies, and cost-based pricing versus value-based pricing, from a patient, pharma, payor, and molecular diagnostics perspective.
More information about the agenda and registration.
The Health Axis Europe Visionary Seminar is organised by the BioRN Cluster with SMART HUB Flemish Brabant
The joint BioRN & Ci3 Annual Conference 2018
Immunotherapy and beyond - The next generation of cancer treatment
October 25 2018 - 9.00 am - 6 pm
Darmstadt (Germany)
The two leading-edge life science clusters BioRN and Ci3 are joining forces to foster knowledge exchange in cancer immunotherapy. Experts in the fields of therapeutic vaccination, cellular and combination therapy, immunomodulation etc. will present their latest findings and new concepts for cancer treatment.
Beneath keynotes and talks of experts from both clusters, the program will be complemented by a poster exhibit. There will be also numerous opportunities to network and initiate joint projects.
The participation is free of charge for BioRN and Ci3 members and partners, Health Axis Europe members, sponsors and invited guests.
More information about the agenda and registration.