Fostering Health Innovation Across Europe
Health Axis Europe Partnering
The project aims to bundle the innovative strengths of science and industry and will provide a new tool for facilitated international knowledge exchange between academia and small and medium-sized enterprises on the one side and Global Healthcare Companies (GHCs) on the other. It effectively matches innovation seekers with innovators from a broad international network. In the BMBF funded validation phase (2018-2019) a concept of the new matching tool will be developed, tested and validated. The HAEP Team works closely with technology transfer offices and other innovation engines within the network. For further information about the process, check here >>
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Project Partners:
Custom fit: Project and technology scouting is tailored using an individual search profile
Critical mass: Projects and technologies are sourced from a large international network of innovators
Reach: Projects and technologies are pitched in front of global health care company decision makers
Partners and Project Funding:
The Health Axis Europe Partnering (HAEP) project partners include BioRN, Ci3, the University of Applied Sciences Mannheim, University of Heidelberg (Research Campus M2OLIE), and the Health Axis Europe cluster partners KU Leuven, Brightlands Maastricht Campus and University of Copenhagen. Starting in January 2018, the project partners will develop and validate the Health Axis Partnering Project over a period of two years (till December 31st 2019). The aim is the long-term implementation of the platform after this period. The project is funded with a total of 600k Euro by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF).
Last News:
The HAEP scouting for Roche Diabetes Care and Freudenberg Medical is finalized.
Looking back: HAEP-Workshop during Annual Meeting of House of Pharma
14 May 2019 - Leica Biosystems Partnering Day was held in Nussloch
14 May 2019 – AbbVie Partnering Day was held in Heidelberg in cooperation with BioRN and HAEP
25 October 2018 - Joint BioRN and Ci3 Annual Conference: "Immunotherapy and beyond - the next generation of cancer treatment", hosted by Merck, Darmstadt
11 September 2018 - Merck Heidelberg Science Day - Partnering for Innovation
11 September 2018 @ 11:15 – House of Pharma: "Creating Innovation Together: Strategies Discussion for a fruitfull collaboration between Research and Industry" (in German)
5 July 2018 @ 15:00 – 19:00 – Innovation @ Boehringer Ingelheim: SUMMER NETWORKING RECEPTION
Contact and more information:
Dr. Julia Schaft
Phone: +49 6221 4305 114
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